Salmon fishing on the river Tay in Scotland. Experience the beautiful Perthshire countryside on one of Scotlands most famous Salmon fishing waters, Cargill Beat River Tay.
Flood water on the Tay again. It has been a frustrating February with very few settled days fishing. Despite the river rising over 8ft today it is running clear. Tam Burt playing a kelt in front on the hotel.
2 spring fish for Kenny Scott today. Both hooked harling, one took a Kynoch in the pot shot and one on a rapala in the bridge stream. We also lost another springer in the garden pool in the morning. The top fish was 11lb and the other 14lb.
2 springers today for head ghillie David Godfrey. One harling (9lb) and one on a carrot rap (13lb). We also lost another fish at the net in the morning.
Some videos from today. 2 springers landed, 1 lost and an 18lb baggot. Apologies for the language !! Its amazing what early springers will add to your vocabulary.
The river Tay is on the rise again after another day of heavy rainfall. Hopefully it will start to settle as we aproach the end of the month as running salmon numbers increase.
The river is clearing after high water. With more rain forcast tonight it is likely we will see another rise in water levels tomorrow. The unsettled water conditions are making targeting spring salmon difficult. Hopefully we'll get some settled water before the end of the month.
Lots of action today on the harl and fly-fishing. The river dropped nicely after yesterday's high water. Unfortunately all the takes were from kelts and rawers.
The first 2 fish from last year. There are cracking spring salmon running the Tay just now. To be in with a chance of connecting with these prize fish have a go at some February salmon fishing. There are always loads of kelts to hook while waiting for the real thing. To book follow the "book salmon fishing" link above.